Independent Script Readers Needed


We are searching for volunteer intelligent, experienced readers to read our scripts and write brief feedback. We simply require a well thought out response to enhance the script.

The work is done from your home or office. A stipend is paid per script.

We require a resume.

Proper grammar, extremely strong English skills and excellent spelling ability is a requirement for this job.

People of all races, sexual orientations are strongly encouraged to apply.

We would love to hear from you if you are interested. The more detailed reason for why you are interested, the longer your email with a description, your educational background, the more likely we are to contact you regardless of your experience level.

We are looking far and wide for a very diverse bunch of people who are excited about this opportunity.

If you still see this web page up, we still need people.

Contact us through the Contact form below.

VERY Important: If you are one of the growing number of people who dislike using the telephone, please do not apply for any of these jobs. This is because we typically give all instructions by phone. This is because emails, text messaging and other typing-intensive conversations require far too much time. We use the telephone to answer all of your questions.

We would love to hear from you if you are interested in this job.

Thanks for your interest.